– Great lineup for first night: Jenny Ow
– Great lineup for first night: Jenny Owen Youngs, Rocket Surgery, The Early, Princeton Review, PointFive, Evan Hall.
– Great lineup for first night: Jenny Owen Youngs, Rocket Surgery, The Early, Princeton Review, PointFive, Evan Hall.
– We had a great time on First Night. The recordings are in the mixing/burning stage. All the performers were professional and great. Some of them are completely famous. The reviews looked good in the Montclair times,and we made some money, so we’re buying a snake!!! A 16 channel, 75 foot audio cable for our new mixer.
– We now have a stage snake, thanks to the Parents Who Rock, which we used in January, at the 1/27 café. It worked fine. Reviews were quite positive for the January event, we had interesting and solid music, thanks to Julia Berlin. Feb is shaping up well, with Gray Delmar in charge of entertaiment.
– The Festival Underground was great! We presented the Serendipity Staff Scholarship to Evan AND Zack, listened to new bands, enjoyed the sunshine, and then!!!! Got rained and thundered on just before the Staff Band was to play. Talk about luck! Missed Lof, though. Next time. Come to the Parade, come to the library.
– Good turnout, interesting music. The library is a great place for Serendipity. The movie was a beauty, and the Library’s DVD/Projector/Screen was very slick indeed.
– Generator Powered! At least we had sound. Lights didn’t work. But we liked Lima Research Society, Crucial Pary, Funkus, and said goodbye to Byron Lupin III, and hello to Byron the Traveller. I hope that confetti really goes away.
– Reputed to be “the greatest Serendipity ever!”, with Franciso, Point 5, Kodiak Bear Regiment and Welcome home. We broke a table leg, but you know what they say.
– Go to the Myspace (Serendipitycafe1) and look at the videos of the Jell-o contest from Scarendipity 2007! Well, really.
You can email us at SerendipityCafe@hotmail.com. If anyone knows who Webley Webster is, they might win a brass figligee with bronze oak leaf palm. No relation to Louise.
What?? Still no guesses about Webley? We have a new drum hardware bag. Knive design has produced our new, nearly sold out batch of T-Shirts.