Departed, Raccoon, Cheesecake, Melanchol
Departed, Raccoon, Cheesecake, Melancholy Party were booked but one of them could not make it. We did fine, anyway. No improvement in attendance, but a very industrious staff did a […]
Departed, Raccoon, Cheesecake, Melancholy Party were booked but one of them could not make it. We did fine, anyway. No improvement in attendance, but a very industrious staff did a […]
Staff meeting: We had a visit from Mackenzie Thomas who is writing a book and we voted to charge $5.00 at the April show, the first price change ever!
Serendipity at UU’s with Meat Goats, Radar Satellite, and Window Phase (plus open mic). The Open Mic setup delay was a popular topic at the critique meeting, as was the […]
Serendipity at Lutherans. This was our first price increase since admission was set at $2.00 in 1997, up from free! Now it’s $5 and we’ve voted to continue it at […]
Serendipity at B’nai Keshet. Kept it at $5 good show. We had a lack of help putting the chairs back in order, but aside from that, it was fine.
Festival Underground inside at FLC, starting an hour early. The staff were hard-working and helped out right to the end. Quality music with an example by Polaroid Fade of how […]
Serendipity at the Amphitheater. Got started late due to not having the building unlocked in time, but we got in, and soon the Bird Dance Band was playing and the […]
show was cancelled due to tornado warnings, severe thunderstorm warnings and a bit of actual rain, with raindrops and other fiercely dangerous things. No music, no fun.
Ed was away in Europe, the gear was stored at Kayley’s’ and apparently things
Scarendipity at the FLC. Except for only charging #2, things went ok! We had pumpkin carving on the 23rd, costumes and a contest, open mic and 3 bands including Alien, […]